I love answering questions! If you have any that aren't answered below, please send them by email or hit me up via the chat button!
A: I've got something better! Upfront, you only pay US$30, regardless of what service you're booking. The final, total fee will only become payable once you're satisfied with my work for you. See the details of this on my page about Services, the section titled "How it works".
A: No. The success of any job application or interview depends on many factors, not just the quality and effect of the work I do for you. Certainly, using my services will significantly improve your chances but there is no specific guarantee of success.
A: My typical clients are white-collar, corporate professionals from around the world. I can't help with technical or academic CVs, or in languages other than English.
A: In North American lingo, a résumé is a brief document summarizing your educational, professional, entrepreneurial, or technical experience. In Europe, the same thing is typically called a CV or C.V. (from the Latin "curriculum vitae"). To mix things up a little, in American English, a CV can also refer to a more extensive, second document that you may be asked to supply in addition to your résumé. This normally only applies in situations where technical or academic details are needed in great granularity. For example, software developers may need to supply CVs detailing their programming experience over multiple pages.
A: Yes, it's included in the free Checklist you can get from my homepage (sign-up form near the bottom).
A: Please see the CareerZeus Origin Story.